Recent content by migouel

  1. migouel

    How to Fix iMessage

    Original post: #3996 @jaymonkey, Problem solved! As soon as I installed the new Nvidia Web Driver compatible for the new security update 2015-003, I was able to boot back again with FileNVRAM.dylib without crashing. I've just re-injected my MLB & ROM values and iMessage is now working...
  2. migouel

    How to Fix iMessage

    With lastest Chimera The new security update 2015-003 did break imessage for me. I had to remove the FileNVRAM.dylib from module otherwise my hack would freeze while entering the desktop. No ideas why :thumbdown: ? MLB and ROM are now NULL and i'm not able to keep new ones persistent.
  3. migouel

    Security Update 2015-003 1.0

    This update have break NVRAM .kext for me. I had to remove the .dylib file or otherwise my system would freeze while entering the desktop. No more imessage for now :thumbdown: Anybody have a clue?
  4. migouel

    New Chimera Winter theme!

    For everyone out there still using Chimera. Here's a little gift! My first "winter" theme: Background image was found through google. To install: 1.Make sure you boot into 1080p resolution > Multibeast > Customization > Check, Boot Option 1080p 2.Replace the "Default" folder under > Extra >...
  5. migouel

    [Easy Guide] ML: HDMI Audio/HD4000/7 Series MB

    Alright, thanks for your time :)
  6. migouel

    [Easy Guide] ML: HDMI Audio/HD4000/7 Series MB

    Thanks Todela, but by reading your guides, I realize that I would not be able to patched my own AppleHDA. This is out of my league. Can I change something in my DSDT so one of my port would be seen as the Black/Line Output on Layout-id 3?
  7. migouel

    [Easy Guide] ML: HDMI Audio/HD4000/7 Series MB

    Well i was not aware about restricted to 4 outputs. The reason why it's because when using Layout-id 3, my Blue and Red port doesn't seem to work under Line Output. Is there another way around?
  8. migouel

    [Easy Guide] ML: HDMI Audio/HD4000/7 Series MB

    Hi Todela, Thank you for sharing your great knowledge with us. I've been following your guide with success. I got the z77-ds3h and wanted to know if it's possible to have a mix of layout-id 3 and 2 so i could have one more line out and have HDMI enable on my board. If so, what should i...