
UniBeast: Install OS X Mavericks on Any Supported Intel-based PC

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Well i have a z77-ds3h and evga gtx 650ti. Install went great GraphicsEnabler=no. But once in mavericks after installing multibeast got funny window lag i did notice this on the gm version also with multibeast. So installed Chameleon-2.2svn-r2265 and now the system runs very smooth no funny lag issues.
Osx mavriks

Mine works great now very smooth using Chameleon-2.2svn-r2265 not multi beast very strange has multi beast has never failed me hmmmm
I am having problems with the USB mouse. I have a USB mouse hooked up and a magic mouse via a BT adapter. Both work in ML.
After the boot from the USB stick the initial installation screen come up. Keyboard works, mouse not.
Removed all other USB connections from PC. No luck.
Move USB mouse connection to the Apple USB keyboard, the connection under the keyboard and he, mouse works. Now going through the install process. Any comments, suggestions why this happens?
Ok. I am running Mavericks already. Before doing the permission fix, I checked all of my system's description. It was all in order and then some. But after fixing the permissions and restarting, my HD6850 gpu shows up now as 6xxx and the profile resets to macpro 2008. It was all fine under the freshly installed Mavericks where the gpu shows as HD6850 and iMac 2011 profile is active with the iMac image showing. Maybe I shouldn't have fixed the permissions before restarting. Although these may just be "cosmetic" resets as my machine is working fine.
i cannot boot without usb. I was install chimera from multibeast but i had no luck. Mavericks work fine this is my only issue.
Just downloaded Mavericks and Unibeast 3.0.0 and get "Installation Failed" after about 20 SECONDS of writing to my USB thumb drive. What I have to do?
Article: UniBeast: Install OS X Mavericks on Any Supported Intel-based PC

I posted a question in post # 50 but received no response from anyone. Can anyone tell me how to download mavericks or from where to download it? I used the appstore and it tried to upgrade my system, but then it said that I could not complete my purchase. I have an imac 4.1 with intel core duo and a macbook 2.1
I would appreciate if someone can tell me how to upgrade my snow leopard (10.6.8) into mavericks.
I cant seem to go beyond step 1 which is to download mavericks
Thanks so much.
Hi folks, I am running Gigabyte Z68P-DS3, i7 2600, and MSI Cyclone 6850 1G. Just upgraded to Mavericks DIRECTLY from 10.8.5. But my Map app doesn't work. It freezes my Mac and messes up everything when started. After doing some research on internet, I found it might be due to a lack of hardware accelerator. However, as you've already known, I have 6850 installed and I've set GraphicsEnabler=Yes. I can also see my graphic card (ATI6850) in system profiles. I have no problem running LuxMark which gave me a score 550 when only GPU was tested. Anybody have similar issues in Map app? I've attached the error codes.


Article: UniBeast: Install OS X Mavericks on Any Supported Intel-based PC

ok so I found my fix, I just installed multi beast for mavericks, updated to the most recent chimera boot loader, and tried again. Problem solved, Im installing now with about 40 minutes to go, I'll see you guys on the other side!

EDIT: Success! I just had to reinstall audio and eithernet drivers, otherwise very successful download, so far no issues to note. BTW free ilife and iWorks! it all looks amazing! thanks apple!

What was the actual fix you found to get past your Mavericks installation just going black, flashing Apple logo and restarting machine? I have the same issue, tried booting with rd=uuid boot-uuid= (logical volume string) just stays at the Apple logo screen?
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