
(Success) Fully perfect working Z390 UD Catalina 10.15.4

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I have seen some strange things with IR transmitters with my Hackintosh. Having them plugged in the back isn't reliable. The range does seem worse than with my MacBook Pro.

I'll let you know if I see the same issue. My son's Hackintosh is the one with the Z390 UD motherboard, and I am going to upgrade him to Catalina. I may use Open core though. If it works, I'll post my EFI. I am using Open Core on my Z390 M Gaming hack but with Mojave.
Just to let you know - if you absolutely need Catalina -- Mojave was stable with this build before :(

It became such a problem I bought the macbook pro. I also got temporarily banned from the forum a few times asking people to help me figure out the issue (so I'm hoping someone doesn't ban me again for saying I got a real macbook pro).

Catalina will for sure work but I found Mojave was the best for this machine and Apple ruined everything. All my games stopped working properly with the video card - it would take like 10 minutes to load Fortnite, etc.

Regretting moving to Catalina - I think I did it so I could have Dark Mode in a few my apps.

I'm hoping the next major release wakes Apple up, there was a really big uprising when Catalina came out - especially with HDMI.
Success - Upgraded my son's hack to Catalina. I needed to upgrade his for the screen time features. In the process I switched him to OpenCore from clover. In order to do that I updated his bios to the latest so we could turn of the config lock which allows NVRAM to work. Long story short he was seeing these weird CPU spikes that was causing lag in games. In the process of debugging, in the bios I had changed the operating system from "other OS to Windows 8/10. That seemed to resolve the issue. So, check your bios settings and make sure the operating system is set to windows 8/10 and see if that helps. I guess the other OS option, according to the open core guide in checks some legacy stuff into the system that isn't needed.

I'll post my open core setup in a day or two. We just got Catalina installed last night. We were able to use then software updater in Mojave to upgrade to Catalina. It went perfectly using my setup with open core.
I posted my Open Core 0.6.3 EFI in a new thread.

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