
[Solved] Catalina thinks my Corsair Commander Pro is a UPS

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Gotchya. @huntie21 How about sleep– does your sleep work/function properly? "Commander Pro" isn't affecting/interfeering there?

I just got my z590 i9 combo working in a corsair 680x which also uses a "Commander Pro" and am stuck with this dreaded UPS hurdle as well. I'm going to try a few things and see if I can get around it... I don't really want to spend $60+ on a UPS just to get past this. Also showing 50% battery on a UPS vs 0% doesn't seem like a true fix. I'd prefer to just hide the UPS indicator altogether.

I wonder if there is another way we can get the fix posted here (pre-BigSur) working.

1. I wonder about disabled the USB port in USB mapping. Any thoughts/concerns here? Would this cause issues with those fan controllers? I'm thinking I can boot to windows to control lighting/color– then boot back to mac OSX with that port disabled.
2. On that solution post here – the problem in BigSur is permissions issues for changing this file– I wonder if this can be solved in SafeMode? OR perhaps boot to windows– edit the file from there (I use MacDrive app to access OSX files from windozzze).
3. ^ that solution essentially blocks the `/usr/libexec/iopsd` UPS Daemon from ever running. I wonder if there are other ways to block services like this? I know there are in Windozzze-- I will investigate for mac.
Gotchya. @huntie21 How about sleep– does your sleep work/function properly? "Commander Pro" isn't affecting/interfeering there?

I just got my z590 i9 combo working...
z590 & 11th gen 11900k?
Nah I should have clarified 10th gen i9.

z590 vision d with a i9 10850k
This procedure worked for me to use the old hack posted here with Big Sur:

  1. Disable FileVault if enabled, boot into the Recovery Mode, launch Terminal, and issue the following (this is also known as "disabling SSV"):
    csrutil disable
    csrutil authenticated-root disable
  2. Boot back into macOS and issue the following:
    Note the "X" and "Y" values in "diskXsYsZ" on the first line, which should be "/" (the root mount), then run the following (dropping the "sZ" part) to mount it to a folder:
    mkdir ~/Desktop/mount
    sudo mount -o nobrowse -t apfs /dev/diskXsY ~/Desktop/mount
  3. Navigate to the "mount" folder and make desired changes (hack posted in this thread) to system files (requires "sudo" privileges), then commit the changes via:
    sudo bless --folder ~/Desktop/mount/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --create-snapshot
    sudo reboot

The files your moving / editing should be under ~/Desktop/mount/usr/libexec NOT /usr/libexec

EDIT: This worked perfectly until I did a "reset NVRAM" from the OC boot menu. (was trying to fix OC reporting it's version incorrectly) and now I can't boot at all, so I'd recommend trying aclee's kext below.

failed to look up root snapshot name
failed to retrieve default root snapshot xid - no such file or directory (2)
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Bonjour [USER = 1795662] @ Piero2411 [/ USER] et autres personnes qui rencontrent ces problèmes.

[USER = 147008] @lambusser [/ USER] a trouvé un correctif et l'a documenté ici, mais ce fil n'a pas été mis à jour avec le nouveau «correctif».

J'utilise ce `` correctif '' depuis le 1er avril et je n'ai eu aucun problème, mais veuillez noter que ce n'est pas une solution parfaite car elle présente certains inconvénients, mais jusqu'à ce qu'Apple arrête d'identifier le Corsair Commander comme UPS, alors c'est la seule solution connue qui fonctionne pour le moment et qui vous permet toujours d'utiliser vos appareils Corsair attachés au Corsair Commander.

Pour donner une fin heureuse à ce fil, je vais copier le `` correctif '' ici mis à jour et développé pour faciliter le suivi des utilisateurs non techniques. Si vous avez des problèmes, donnez-moi un cri.

Le correctif:
  1. Ouvrez un terminal:
    exécutez Applications / Utilitaires / Terminal
  2. Devenir superutilisateur:
    sudo su -
  3. Montez le système de fichiers racine en lecture et en écriture):
    mount -uw /
  4. Remplacez le répertoire actuel par celui où se trouve le fichier ioupsd:
    cd / usr / libexec
  5. Renommez ioupsd pour la sauvegarde:
    mv ioupsd ioupsd.ORIG
  6. Créez un nouveau fichier nommé "ioupsd" en utilisant votre éditeur de texte préféré. J'utiliserai nano:
    nano ioupsd
  7. Entrez maintenant les deux lignes de code:
    [CODE = bash]
    #! / Bin / sh
    pendant le sommeil 999999999; fais :; terminé
    [/ CODE]
  8. Enregistrez ce fichier et quittez l'éditeur. Si vous utilisez nano, tapez:
    Ctrl O pour enregistrer, puis Ctrl X pour quitter nano.
  9. Maintenant, pour le rendre lisible et exécutable pour tout le monde, tapez:
    chmod a + x ioupsd
  10. Maintenant, pour vous assurer que vous avez les bonnes autorisations et que le fichier d'origine a été renommé, tapez ce qui suit et comparez-le à mon exemple:
    ls -al ioupsd *

    [CODE = bash]
    jb @ titan libexec% ls -al ioupsd *
    -rwxr-xr- x 1 roue racine 44 1 avril 10:13 ioupsd
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 roue racine 45712 18 mars 02:42 ioupsd.ORIG
    jb @ titan libexec%
    [/ CODE]
  11. Redémarrez l'ordinateur et vous ne devriez pas recevoir le message d'erreur UPS lors de la connexion. :pouce en l'air:: headbang:
  12. Maintenant, ouvrez à nouveau un terminal et tapez la commande suivante pour rendre le système de fichiers racine en lecture seule (R / O):
    sudo mount -ur /
Thinks guy, it's good for me.
I made a kext to fix this -

I tweaked the RestrictEvents kext to block ioupsd from running entirely. If this is a stupid way to fix this someone please let me know but in the ~2 weeks I've been using it it's worked perfectly fine.

Hi and thank you so much for this! Can someone show me how to use this file? I don't see a ktext.. Sorry I'm a noob!
Hi and thank you so much for this! Can someone show me how to use this file? I don't see a ktext.. Sorry I'm a noob!

Kext is here under releases

Kext is here under releases
Thank you i found it. I put the file in my ktexts folder and it did not work. I still get the UPS error. Is there another step that needs to be done after i add the file to my ktext?
Thank you i found it. I put the file in my ktexts folder and it did not work. I still get the UPS error. Is there another step that needs to be done after i add the file to my ktext?
Yes, you will need to also make sure to add the kext to your config.plist for OpenCore.
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