
AMD 6600 on macOS: custom Zero RPM with softPowerPlayTable on DeviceProperties

Trying 4k resolution for a long time temperature is below 35-40. Only benchmarks stressing rise up to 75 or 80.
I noticed that in Windows, if you disable the adaptive synchronization function in the monitor, the temperature of the video card behaves the same as in macos.Maybe it somehow affects.
I noticed that in Windows, if you disable the adaptive synchronization function in the monitor, the temperature of the video card behaves the same as in macos. Maybe it somehow affects.
Maybe. I don't have an explanation for this. I'll try Windows with this option disabled and will see.
Is there any way to get the registry code without Windows access.

I think @zirkaiva posted a method how to extract the sPPT on the Mac OS using this script:

I haven't tried it, so I can't walk you through, but it looks pretty simple.
I think @zirkaiva posted a method how to extract the sPPT on the Mac OS using this script:

I haven't tried it, so I can't walk you through, but it looks pretty simple.
You can modify the PPsoft table in Windows with MorePowerTool
Save the edits in .mpt file
delete/cut the bytes in the MPT file upto A609:

And you have a modified table extracted.pp_table ready to be applied using the script to SSDT:

Download and cd to upp

git clone && cd upp

python build

python install

upp --pp-file=extracted.pp_table extract -r AMD.RX6900XT.16384.201104.rom

thefile=/Users/mbp114/Downloads/upp-0.1.3/extracted.pp_table \
printf  "\tPP_PhmSoftWTTable,\n\t\tBuffer (0x%X)\n\t\t{\n" $(stat -f %z "$thefile")
xxd -u -g 1 < "$thefile" | \
perl -nE '
    if ( m|^0000([0-9A-Za-z]+): (([0-9A-Z]{2} )+)( +)(.*)| ) {
        $o = $1; $b = $2; $s = $4; $c = $5;
        print "\t\t\t/* " . (uc $o) . " */  " . $b =~ s/(..) /0x$1, /gr . $s =~ s/   /      /gr . "// " . $c . "\n"
printf  "\t\t},\n"
Interesting! I haven't read the post with this method yet. Thanks for the info.
Hi guys, is there any tool/way to control GPU fan speed on macOS? (RX 6600). I want to keep my GPU FAN speed lower or sometimes even zero while it is on 50-60C.
Hi guys, is there any tool/way to control GPU fan speed on macOS? (RX 6600). I want to keep my GPU FAN speed lower or sometimes even zero while it is on 50-60C.
I don't think so.
But if you don't use softPowerPlayTable, having only WhateverGreeen and agdpmod=pikera in boot-args, the RX 6600 must run with Zero RPM feature activated with fans spinning only over 60º.
Yea, but the problem is that the Zero RPM mode switches randomly and that's annoying, for example right now it's 53C and GPU fans are spinning :/