
macOS 14.6 Update


Staff member
Nov 17, 2009
i7 8700K
HD 630
  1. MacBook Air
Classic Mac
  1. Apple
  2. PowerBook
Mobile Phone
  1. iOS
Today Apple released macOS 14.6 Update, a major software update for macOS Sonoma. Update any supported system using the built-in Software Update functionality through macOS System Settings.

What we know about 14.6 so far...
  • macOS Build 23G80
  • Updated graphics, audio drivers
  • Install macOS Sonoma App has been updated - If you downloaded macOS Sonoma from the App Store prior to today, and you want to have the latest version on your backup installer USB, simply log into the Mac App Store and click Download. The updated Install macOS Sonoma App can be found in the Applications folder.
macOS Sonoma 14.6— Restart Required

Some features may not be available for all regions, or on all Apple devices. For detailed information about the security content of this update, please visit:

Testing is now underway- this post will be updated. Good luck, and let us know how it goes! Report your results here.

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Please post help requests in the Sonoma Desktop Support Forum section (not in this thread).

Pre Update Notes
- This update may break some of your Sonoma functions. Make sure you backup first. :thumbup:

Note: Before you update, make sure your USB ports are properly mapped. I recommend you use this procedure:

You may need to use the step by step way to update OC:

Somona 14.6 causes Problems to most hackintoshs unless you do the following:


- Make sure you use the latest versions of the Lilu.kext, AppleALC.kext and WhateverGreen.kext.

Backup your current installation using Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper;

Update to the latest OpenCore 1.0.0 or newer.
See the tonymacx86 Clover Builds (in Download menu) to update Clover. To update your OpenCore, see this guide. To convert from Clover to Open Core, see this guide.
:ch: Download OCAuxiliaryTools (OCAT):
:ch: Follow the OCAT Guide:
:ch: After completing the Update, reboot.
:ch: Upon reaching the Desktop, open the Terminal and execute:
nvram 4D1FDA02-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B30102:opencore-version
Confirm you have updated OC to 1.0.0 or newer.

Download the Sonoma 14.6. Update from Apple's Mac App Store using System Preferences > Software Update, and run it - the updater will reboot upon completion.
Note: Update will reboot three times; each time Clover/OpenCore picks the correct boot partition. So, sit back and relax. The update takes 3 reboots and ~30 minutes to complete.​


Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 2.07.00 PM.png

After updating, you can
  • Reset SecureBootModel to Default
  • Enable all WiFi and Bluetooth kexts if they've been updated.

Please post help requests in the Sonoma Desktop Support Forum section (not in this thread).
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That's right :

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It worked! OC 1.0.0 and public released kexts. Nothing special, but I don't have WiFi or Bluetooth on this machine.

Also iPhone updaters for you other users.
Had to disable BlueToolFixup.kext to finish the update on my 300 series/8th generation intel system.
Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 5.36.01 PM.png
Updated on OC 1.0.0 without any issues.
Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 6.43.57 PM.png
Another smooth update with OC 1.0.0

Smooth update here as well, just needed to disable BlueToolFixup and SecureBootModel, 2 restarts and voila. OC 1.0