
iTunes Protected Video Black Screen Solution (HDCP)

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is a your graphics card maxwell based ? if so you may require a seperate kext (i did)
A question to all those who have successfully used the kext - what quality is the video content playback ?

Movie Trailers are clearly not in HD on my pc when using this kext.
seen as i can't send you a message - This is taken from the "Insanely Mac Forum" which is Linked on the Shiki & FAQ page.
Download the suggest kext & install it. (Worked for me)

Hello vit9696,

If you see this, thanks for your awesome work! I appreciate what you and all the other users have done to contribute to this project. I do have one small question, born of my own ignorance. I use the nVidia webdrivers since I have a Maxwell card, and in your FAQ it's stated "NVIDIA drivers do not properly add these values necessary for VDA decoding for Maxwell GPUs in their Web drivers. You could add them with a plist-only kext. The correct values for VP4 GPUs are:"

Since I am a bit unfamiliar with creating kexts, I do have to ask what that might entail. If someone else might know how to do this I'd also greatly appreciate it. My questions would be what should go into the Info.plist in the supposed custom kext, and what to call the kext. I'd also need some guidance on how to make the kext apply its values to my Maxwell, ie linking it. Is that in the deviceid? I tried adding the IOVARendererID and IOVARendererSubID values with an <integer> string to my existing NVDAGM100HalWeb.kext info.plist and that just causes a KP during the bootup.

Granted, I only tried that because I didn't know that would cause a crash.

Thanks in advance to anyone with the know-how to do this or could point me the right direction creating a plist-only kext that affects my Maxwell card.


igork made this kext for himself some while ago. From what I know it does work.

Attached Files

From my end the link says I don't have permission to download that file.
A question to all those who have successfully used the kext - what quality is the video content playback ?

Movie Trailers are clearly not in HD on my pc when using this kext.

Movie trailers for me are crystal clear. Even playing movies or TV shows which are downloaded from iTunes server are in HD.
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