cpu error

  1. yosoyaquel

    X299 Random App Crashes and anormal CPU use (possible memory leak)

    Hi guys, I’m writing here as last try to fix an BIG issue that’s driving me crazy from a long time. I’ve been making music for more than 20 years, the last 10 using Mac computers, and now I have a good Hackintosh, based on a x299 board. The issue it’s easy to notice when I work in my audio...
  2. hughesyadaddy

    Sierra Installation Kernal Freakout Alienware 15 R2

    I'm having a kernal panic. I attached the images below with the error on startup. Thanks in advance for the help. Followed this guide. It's for Alienware 15 R3 so might not be working because of that. Alienware 15 R2: Processor Intel Core i7-6700HQ 2.6 GHz (Intel Core i7) Graphics adapter...
  3. TroopGFX

    Panic (CPU 0 caller 0xffffff7f8159acc9 HELP!!

    Hey guys I'm new to the whole hackintosh stuff so please bare with me, I have tried installing all 3 current OS' but I'm currently trying to install Mavericks. I have installed the OS onto my hard disk yet when ever I book up I receive this error. 20170519_143636 by TroopGFX posted May 19, 2017...
  4. TedKoch

    I Keep getting Unknown CPU warnings and am unable to boot.

    I made this build last year and had it working fairly well. I was never able to boot without the usb key but oh well. I updated to Yosemite and since then my computer has been very unstable. I managed to boot up a few times in safe boot, but it froze and when I boot Verbose i get "WARNING...