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    Lenovo X240 with Ultra Dock support? Need help

    Hi! Originally posted at the X240 guide, but looks like there is no interest anymore... I am having issues with my X240 setup. Basically I am using a mix of the original x240.aml file, but ignored some parts like USB. I go with these hot patch files only: #include "SSDT-XOSI.dsl" #include...

    Sleep by lid close & Wake by lid openening?

    Hi! The last open question I've have is: Can we have Sleep by lid close & Wake by lid openening for our Hackintosh? I want to close my laptop cover and it should fall asleep right after and wake after I open the lid again. The behaivor of a real Macbook. If I can do this by DSDT, please...

    Brightness Level doesn't save + Sleep by Lid

    Hello, I am in the need of help, please. I followed the 10.11 hotpatch guide by RehabMan and have the feeling that nearly everything works as it should. But there are some little things I would like to change: - The Brightness level doesn't stay where I set. After the restart or shutdown, I...