
Fixing Brightness with Custom EDID

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Jul 26, 2013
i5-2430 2.40GHz/HM67
Radeon HD 6630M / Intel HD 3000
  1. iMac
Mobile Phone
  1. iOS
As you probably know, Sierra 10.12.4 changed something which broke brightness settings for most people. Although RehabMan's solution works for most people, it doesn't work for people like me who must inject EDID by Custom EDID either with DSDT or Clover. As RehabMan points out, this is necessary for some laptops such as Fujitsu and Sony.

So if you are using Custom EDID for your current configuration, you must also inject Apple ProductID to your Custom EDID and follow RehabMan's guide afterwards.

- Save below script to `edidparser.rb`
- Open terminal and run `ruby edidparser.rb` from the folder that you saved this script file.
- Script will read your current EDID from the system and will print out patched ID for you. It will inform you for every step it makes.

If you are using Clover for Custom EDID, use the output of screen colored Green and paste it to Clover's config.plist/Graphics/EDID/Custom/

If you are using DSDT to inject your custom EDID, find your EDID patch in your DSDT probably something with

AAPL00,override-no-edid or AAPL00,override-no-connect and change it with script result.

Script uses 0x9C7C as product ID which is a ID from MacBook Pro. If you want to change the product id, edit the script and change line 60 and 61.

After injecting productID with this way, you will have working brightness controls. However, if you don't follow RehabMan's guide, you will not get full brightness. Therefore you *MUST* follow his guide after you successfully injected product id to your custom EDID.


  BLACK   = 30
  RED     = 31
  GREEN   = 32
  YELLOW  = 33
  BLUE    = 34
  MAGENTA = 35
  CYAN    = 36
  WHITE   = 37

def color(src,color=RED)
    src =  "\e[#{color}m" + src + "\e[0m"

bytes = []
if ARGV.count == 0
    puts color("Reading EDID from SYSTEM")
    data=`ioreg -l -w0 -d0 -r -c AppleBacklightDisplay`
    puts "found display: vendorid #{vendorid}, productid #{productid}, EDID:\n#{edid_hex}"
  rescue Exception => bang
    puts "Can't Read EDID from SYSTEM. Make sure you have Rename GFX0 to IGPU patches applied."
    puts "Error Details: "
    puts bang
    puts bang.backtrace.join("\n")
    puts color("Reading EDID from FILE")
    file = ARGV.first
    edid_hex =
puts "EDID Length : " + color(("%d bytes" % bytes.length),GREEN)
if edid[0] >> 7 != 0
   puts color("This EDID is corrupted")
   first = (edid[0] &  0b01111100) >> 2
   second = ((edid[0] &  0b00000011) << 3) + ((edid[1] &  0b11100000) >> 5)
   third = edid[1] &  0b00011111
  puts "=====Original EDID Data START======"
   puts "Manufacturer: " + color((first+64).chr + (second+64).chr + (third+64).chr)
   puts "Product Code:  " + color(("%02X%02X" % [edid[3], edid[2]]), BLUE)
   puts "Serial Number: " + color(("%d" % (edid[4] + (edid[5] << 8) + (edid[6] << 16) + (edid[7] << 24))), GREEN)
  puts "Week of Manufacture: " + color(("%d" % edid[8]),RED)
   puts "Year of Manufacture: " + color(("%d" % (edid[9] + 1990)),BLUE)

checksum = (0x100-(bytes[0..126].reduce(:+) % 256)) % 256
puts "Calculated checksum: " + color(("0x%x" % checksum),GREEN)
puts "Original checksum: "   + color(("0x%x" % bytes[127]),RED)
puts "=====Original EDID Data END======"

puts "=====Creating Fixed EDID====="

puts "Setting Manufacturer to " + color("APP",BLUE)
bytes[8] = 06
bytes[9] = 16

puts "Setting Product Code to " + color("9C7C",RED)
bytes[10] = 0x7C
bytes[11] = 0x9C

puts "Setting Serial to " + color("0",GREEN)
bytes[12] = 0
bytes[13] = 0
bytes[14] = 0
bytes[15] = 0

puts "Setting Week of Manufacture to " + color("10",BLUE)
bytes[16] = 10

puts "Setting Year of Manufacture to " + color("2012",RED)
bytes[17] = 22

checksum = (0x100-(bytes[0..126].reduce(:+) % 256)) % 256
puts "Calculated checksum: " + color(("0x%x" % checksum),GREEN)
puts "Original checksum: " + color(("0x%x" % bytes[127]),BLUE)

bytes[127] = checksum
puts "Fixed EDID for Clover:" + color(("\n#{{|b|"%02X"%b}.join}"),GREEN)
puts "Fixed EDID for DSDT: (Insert to Brightness Fix patch)"
byte_number = 0
line_size = 8
puts  color("\"AAPL00,override-no-edid\",")
puts color(( "Buffer "), MAGENTA) +  color(("(0x%2X)" % bytes.length),BLUE) + "\n{"

while byte_number < bytes.length

if (bytes.length - byte_number) >= line_size
    characters = bytes[byte_number..(byte_number+line_size-1)]
    characters = bytes[byte_number..bytes.length]
    puts color(("#{{|b|sprintf("0x%02X, ",b) }.join}"),BLUE)
    byte_number +=line_size
puts "}\n"
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How do I "Save below script to `edidparser.rb". What is the script below?

Also, i can't find the EDID in mi System DSDT. Please help, i have all day trying to solve this :C

I have added my DSDT as a .dsl, it fails to save as .aml

EDIT: I think i got it. I found your file( but when I try to open it this shows:
Cesars-iMac:Downloads cesar$ ruby edidparser.rb
Reading EDID from SYSTEM
Can't Read EDID from SYSTEM. Make sure you have Rename GFX0 to IGPU patches applied.
Error Details:
undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
edidparser.rb:21:in `<main>'

I belive i do have the patch that is asking me for:
Captura de pantalla 2018-03-09 a la(s) 21.16.59.png


    2.4 MB · Views: 282
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How do I "Save below script to `edidparser.rb". What is the script below?

Also, i can't find the EDID in mi System DSDT. Please help, i have all day trying to solve this :C

I have added my DSDT as a .dsl, it fails to save as .aml

EDIT: I think i got it. I found your file( but when I try to open it this shows:
Cesars-iMac:Downloads cesar$ ruby edidparser.rb
Reading EDID from SYSTEM
Can't Read EDID from SYSTEM. Make sure you have Rename GFX0 to IGPU patches applied.
Error Details:
undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
edidparser.rb:21:in `<main>'

I belive i do have the patch that is asking me for:
View attachment 318296
UPDATE: I manage to fix it with out this patch even tho I also have a Sony XD. Feel free to erase my comments.
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UPDATE: I manage to fix it with out this patch even tho I also have a Sony XD. Feel free to erase my comments.

For the benefit of others with the same issue, you should explain what you did to fix your problem.


    1.1 MB · Views: 284
I don't know why it worked synce my computer is a Sony VAIO too.

Not really surprising.
Different Sony models may use different screens/different backlight control methods.
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